Get featured on a monthly QuestBreak™ contest!

In addition to our standard jigsaw style contests, we run a monthly 15-level game that contains scavenger hunt riddle “quests” inside the puzzle images.

Get featured as one of these images that showcases your brand, website, social pages, or any other content of your choice! Simply send us your content and we will create a beautiful and incredibly engaging image full of clues to be part of a month’s QuestBreak™.

Players spend hours throughout the month meticulously studying and memorizing every part of all the images in order to find scavenger hunt-style items by following clues. Want players going to your website? No problem! We’ll add in a clue that makes users go to your site to find the next step in their quest for a bonus game!

There are many possibilities and options of how your brand can be integrated into a QuestBreak™ game. Here is just one example of what your image could look like:


Get your first QuestBreak™ feature for free!

We will even cover your prize costs and will create a beautiful and engaging puzzle image per your approval. Contact us now to get a custom quote and free trial!

Pricing depends on various factors including your contest frequency, prizes being awarded and audience size. Please fill out the form below or email and include as much detail as possible about your brand to explore our options and get custom quoted for a feature.
